Conference: Recycling secondary materials in road construction

Construction materials make up a large proportion of the secondary resources available to human activities, particularly for re-use in the sector itself. The Centre de recherches routières (CRR) and its partners invite you to discover the advances and prospects for the circular economy in road construction.


On 25/05/23 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm


Centre de Recherches Routieres, Avenue Lavoisier 14, 1300 Wavre, Belgique

The valorization of construction materials in road structures with a view to sustainability has been a major focus of BRRC's activities for many years.

At this conference, speakers will highlight the means used to facilitate the transposition of R&D results into technical prescriptions and normative documents. They will illustrate their points with projects supported by the Walloon regional authorities and other Belgian bodies. In particular, an assessment will be made of the current situation and prospects for the valorization of materials of secondary origin in road construction.


1. Current situation in terms of CCT (Cahier des Charges Type) and technical specifications [SPW MI - Direction des Techniques routières].

2. Challenges and prospects at Walloon level :

  • The new "Sortie Statut Déchet" (Exit from waste status) regulations: issues, constraints and opportunities.

  • Regulatory perspectives (GHG impact reduction, waste-resource, etc.) and the role of specifiers and producers [David Lamy, Thibault Mariage - Tradecowall].

  • Soil treatment and in situ reuse as load-bearing, non-gelling building materials [Didier Block - Mobiwall].

3. R&D areas to study and optimize recovery (recent and ongoing projects, highlighting the resources used - laboratory studies, site trials, demonstration sections, analysis equipment - to facilitate the transposition of R&D results into technical specifications and normative documents)

  • Recycled and artificial materials in road foundations, sub-bases and earthworks: current situation and future prospects in the Walloon Region [Colette Grégoire - CRR].

  • Use of alternative aggregates and sands in road concrete: research in Belgium and pilot projects [Audrey Van der Wielen - CRR]

  • Circular economy in asphalt mixes [Stefan Vansteenkiste - BRRC]

4. Towards more sustainable road construction - Methods, tools and approaches for assessing sustainability and specifying according to sustainability criteria [Luc De Bock - BRRC].

5. Conclusion (medium- and long-term research avenues, needs to facilitate adoption, etc.) [CRR].

6. Guided tour of auscultation equipment

  • Practical information

  • Thursday, May 25, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • Avenue Lavoisier 14, 1300 Wavre

  • Parking around the building

  • Lunch provided on site

  • Free (but please register before Wednesday May 17).


1 profile(s) associated to this event.

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At the service of companies and individuals active in road construction, the Centre de recherches routières (CRR) aims to promote technical progress. Its services are based on innovation through R&D, technical and documentary assistance, and knowledge sharing.

Boulevard de la Woluwe 42, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgique

Last updated: 8 October 2024