CELABOR, an accredited research center, carries out research, development and analysis in the fields of agro-resource recovery and the circularity of bio-based materials. Close to Wallonia's industrial fabric and active at the heart of European research, its experts will share some of the latest trends in eco-design and circularity.
1pm to 1:30pm: Welcoming participants
1:30 pm to 3 pm: Oral presentations (subject to change).
Circularity in food packaging [Dr. Jean-Michel Thomassin, CELABOR]
Recyclability of paper/cardboard packaging: context, methodology and legislation [Louis Latin, CELABOR]
Valorization of agro-resources for the finishing and functionalization of textile products [Dr. Caroline Piffet, CELABOR]
Wool, a local resource with multiple assets [Xavier JOPPIN, CELABOR]
3pm: Coffee break
3:30 to 4:45 pm: Industry testimonials
4:45 pm to 5:30 pm: Tour of facilities (to be confirmed).