Circularity in biobased materials, paper, (food) packaging and textiles, QEC 2023

CELABOR invites you to its thematic afternoon on the circularity of biobased materials to add value to packaging and textile products.


On 31/05/23 from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm


Celabor, Avenue du Parc, Herve, Belgique

CELABOR, an accredited research center, carries out research, development and analysis in the fields of agro-resource recovery and the circularity of bio-based materials. Close to Wallonia's industrial fabric and active at the heart of European research, its experts will share some of the latest trends in eco-design and circularity.


1pm to 1:30pm: Welcoming participants

1:30 pm to 3 pm: Oral presentations (subject to change).

  • Circularity in food packaging [Dr. Jean-Michel Thomassin, CELABOR]

  • Recyclability of paper/cardboard packaging: context, methodology and legislation [Louis Latin, CELABOR]

  • Valorization of agro-resources for the finishing and functionalization of textile products [Dr. Caroline Piffet, CELABOR]

  • Wool, a local resource with multiple assets [Xavier JOPPIN, CELABOR]

3pm: Coffee break

3:30 to 4:45 pm: Industry testimonials

4:45 pm to 5:30 pm: Tour of facilities (to be confirmed).


1 profile(s) associated to this event.

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CELABOR, Smart Nature for Better Life. As a scientific and technical service center, Celabor promotes sustainable development through its expertise and advice to companies in the fields of FOOD, EXTRACT, ENVIRONMENT, MATERIALS (packaging, textiles and bio-based applications)

Av. du Parc 38, 4650 Herve, Belgique

Last updated: 7 October 2024